
第 11 屆 iThome 鐵人賽


syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
service Chat {
rpc chat (stream ChatMessage)
returns (stream google.protobuf.StringValue);
message ChatMessage {
string name = 1;
string message = 2;

Create new Protocol Buffers definition file grpc_bidirectional_streaming.proto and add service definition.

Run the following command in Ballerina tools distribution for stub generation.

$ ballerina grpc --input grpc_bidirectional_streaming.proto --output stubs

Once you run the command, grpc_bidirectional_streaming_pb.bal file is generated inside stubs directory.

Please refer example Proto To Ballerina to get information on how to use Ballerina Protocol Buffers tool.

import ballerina/grpc;
import ballerina/log;

mapgrpc:Caller consMap = {};

@grpc:ServiceConfig {
name: "chat",
clientStreaming: true,
serverStreaming: true
service Chat on new grpc:Listener(9090) {

resource function onOpen(grpc:Caller caller) {
    log:printInfo(string `${caller.getId()} connected to chat`);
    consMap[caller.getId().toString()] = caller;

resource function onMessage(grpc:Caller caller, ChatMessage chatMsg) {
    grpc:Caller ep;
    string msg = string `${}: ${chatMsg.message}`;
    log:printInfo("Server received message: " + msg);
    foreach var [callerId, connection] in consMap.entries() {
        ep = connection;
        grpc:Error? err = ep->send(msg);
        if (err is grpc:Error) {
            log:printError("Error from Connector: " + err.reason() + " - "
                        + <string> err.detail()["message"]);
        } else {
            log:printInfo("Server message to caller " + callerId
                                                  + " sent successfully.");

resource function onError(grpc:Caller caller, error err) {
    log:printError("Error from Connector: " + err.reason() + " - "
            + <string> err.detail()["message"]);

resource function onComplete(grpc:Caller caller) {
    grpc:Caller ep;
    string msg = string `${caller.getId()} left the chat`;
    var v = consMap.remove(caller.getId().toString());
    foreach var [callerId, connection] in consMap.entries() {
        ep = connection;
        grpc:Error? err = ep->send(msg);
        if (err is grpc:Error) {
            log:printError("Error from Connector: " + err.reason() + " - "
                    + <string> err.detail()["message"]);
        } else {
            log:printInfo("Server message to caller " + callerId
                                                  + " sent successfully.");


Create a Ballerina project and a module inside it.

Copy generated stub file grpc_bidirectional_streaming_pb.bal to the module.

For example, if you create a module named service, copy the stub file to the service module.

Add new Ballerina file grpc_bidirectional_streaming.bal inside the service module and add service implementation.

Execute the following command to build the 'service' module.

$ ballerina build service

Run the service using the following command.

$ ballerina run target/bin/service.jar

import ballerina/grpc;
import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/runtime;

int total = 0;
public function main() {

ChatClient chatEp = new("http://localhost:9090");

grpc:StreamingClient ep;

var res = chatEp->chat(ChatMessageListener);

if (res is grpc:Error) {
    io:println("Error from Connector: " + res.reason() + " - "
                              + <string> res.detail()["message"]);
} else {
    io:println("Initialized connection sucessfully.");
    ep = res;

ChatMessage mes = { name: "Sam", message: "Hi " };
grpc:Error? connErr = ep->send(mes);

if (connErr is grpc:Error) {
    io:println("Error from Connector: " + connErr.reason() + " - "
                           + <string> connErr.detail()["message"]);

grpc:Error? result = ep->complete();
if (result is grpc:Error) {
    io:println("Error in sending complete message", result);


service ChatMessageListener = service {

resource function onMessage(string message) {
    io:println("Response received from server: " + message);

resource function onError(error err) {
    io:println("Error reported from server: " + err.reason() + " - "
                              + <string> err.detail()["message"]);

resource function onComplete() {
    io:println("Server Complete Sending Responses.");


Create a Ballerina project and a module inside it.

Copy generated stub file grpc_bidirectional_streaming_pb.bal to the module.

For example, if you create a module named client, copy the stub file to the client module.

Add new Ballerina file grpc_bidirectional_streaming_client.bal inside the client module and add client implementation.

Execute the following command to build the 'client' module.

$ ballerina build client

Run the client using the following command.

$ ballerina run target/bin/client.jar

用Ballerina寫web service
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

